Alright...I honestly don't know where to start. I haven't been on here in over a week, maybe two. What's been going on in my personal life is exactly that. Personal. But I love blogging to tell people, who read, about my daily life. So I will share a little to give you an insight as to why I have been absent from here. As most of you readers know, Timmy lives with me. We are living at my parents until we find our own place. We have found a few, and are waiting on calls to set up times to check em out. But there were words between my dad and timmy that caused a problem. Timmy packed all of his stuff and left. It was scary for me because he had always told me if he left, he was taking me with him, and this time he wasn't. He went to a friends house and I followed suit the next day. I don't want to go into detail about what exactly happened, because it's personal. So being away from home, and living out of a bag for a week wasn't too bad...but kept me from blogging. That and I needed time away. Topics for blogs are hard for me to come by sometimes. Anyhow... I would like to thank Walt for letting both Timmy and I stay at his place for a week. Thank you so very much for giving up your bedroom so that He had a place to sleep. And thank you for letting me stay there for that time as well. I am extremely grateful that he has a friend like You that will help him out with no questions asked. You didn't have to let me stay, but you did and I honestly can't thank you enough. Hey when we get our own place You are welcome anytime! And so is any of our other friends that ever need anything. So there ya go. I will be back to my old blogging self next week. I promise :]
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Thursday, March 29, 2012
I've been absent from here for a little over a week now. It's a personal issue and I hope to be back blogging soon.
Monday, March 19, 2012
The Magnetic Fields " Nothing Matters When We're Dancing"
Deal Me In played Court House Co-Op last night. It was an early show. Fresh Flesh,a new local band, played first. They were soooo good. Music I love and get really into. Deal Me In were also amazing. They played a few new songs. I'm getting really excited because they are fairly new and the buzz about them is already sooo freakin up there, and their music is already changing and getting better and better! They have a show in Jackson,MS next sunday and another out of town show April 14th in Tuscaloosa, AL! Which is really exciting because my little brother from another mother goes to school at University of Alabama and is coming out to the show, and it's been a good 3 years if not more since I've seen him! So that's exciting. I have really missed my other family. I'm really going to have to make a trip down to the gulf to visit this summer. Oh Timothy and I ventured to the Zoo yesterday before he went to practice. We were on short time so we walked pretty fast through there. Thank Goodness I had 2 half off tickets, so it didn't cost a freakin arm and a leg to get in. The thing that sucked though is that you have to pay for evvvvverything. I just wanted to feed the Giraffes...not pay 10 bucks for us to do it. You would think if you paid so much to get in, they would let you feed something ya know! Anyhow after that we grabbed lunch, and he went to practice. I however watched my show on netflix...I will not disclose what show on account of the embarrassing it is, and took a short but needed nap. Exciting huh! Then I got up, cleaned and made myself a mixed drink. See there was two cups in my room, once was Timmy's and the other mine. I poured a concoction into one and I must have picked up the other without even realizing it. Because when I started drinking it I was amazing at how it tasted like I put NOTHING in it....that's because I didn't. I drank the whole cup and was wondering why I didn't feel anything at all. It wasn't until later after the show, when we got home and Timmy was thirsty so he picked up his cup from earlier, and took a big gulp, then proceeded to gag! He was a little mad haha, and so was I for wasting all that booze! Also a picture I thought to be destroyed was put on facebook for the fb world to see. A rather embarrassing photo of myself dressed up like little wayne, making a horrendous face. Of course peeps would ask me to see it. But it was all in good fun so I didn't mind. Well readers! Until next time xoxoxo
Friday, March 16, 2012
Rose Red
I'm really warming up to these "What I Wore" posts! Here is an outfit I adore. I haven't worn it in foooorever! And of's from Target. I sometimes sit there and realize how much money I spend at that store. And realize that I have gotten several dresses from there. As well as Cardigans and flats. Please forgive me for my awkward stance and messy hair, it's a teeny bit humid out and my hair doesn't like humidity... Anyhow Here ya Go!
&Flats- Target! haha
random picture of my Quincey Bear ♥
***Sorry about not having a Friday Favorites Post you guys!!! I swear It will be back next week! xoxoxo
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Red Wine Lips
This post is Straight to the point! RED WINE! Since I have worked at the liquor store I have been trying lots and lots of different wines. I usually stuck only with Moscato's...but I decided I needed to branch out and experience different varieties. So far I have found 3 red wines that I am obsessed with.
First is San Antonio Cardinale. It's not too sweet. It has the perfect amount of sweetness and a tad bitterness, so the bitter red wine lovers should like this one!
Second is Barefoot Red Moscato...oh my goodness.....sososososo good! And I know I said I was trying to branch out from the Moscato's, but we just got this one in and I sampled it and fell in LOVE! It has the prettiest floral scent. Soft and Sweet and tastes even better.
Third is Sweet Walter Red Wine. Now is this kind of right in the middle of San Antonio and Barefoot on the sweetness level. It's really really good and If you want a soft sweet red wine, then this is the one for you!
Lisa Mitchell - "Red Wine Lips"
Ayyiyi...ok so I got so confused today. I don't usually work on thursdays, so working today feels like a friday sans paycheck. I was about to post a friday favorites post until i remembered! and thank goodness i did! Anyhow The DMI boys got a show in Jackson,MS two weeks from now. I am attending and am very much exciiiited! It's their FIRST out of town show! Oh boy I am going to take lots and lots of pictures! I'm slackin I know! But works calls! xoxoxo
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Ok so I have been trying to blog every single day...tryyying haha. I do miss a day here and there but I'm trying. I've been getting back into the groove of things and once I'm in it I keep going. And also it's been a little difficult finding things to blog about so most of my posts are really last minute thoughts. I've been wanting to do more "What I Wore" posts, but my wardrobe is so blah and nearly empty...I need new clothes so bad, but everytime I go anywhere to get some I end up putting them back. Clothes have just gotten so expensive and I have bills and too many other things to buy and save for. That and I can't find any freakin stores with clothes that I actually really like. Target used to be my go to store....not anymore... Their clothes are just getting more and more awful. All the other stores I like only cater to size 0. I'm a curvvy gal. haha. Anyhow I have decided I'm going to do a post once a week about Cocktails. Since I started working at a liquor store I have learned sooooo much about what goes good with what, how to properly taste things. I have learned a lot about wines. And I have been trying to broaden my tastes. I stick to the sweeter wines a la Riesling and Sweet White/Reds...but I'm slowly getting into merlo's and cabs. My liquor drink of choice is Vodka.. I prefer the clears to the browns. And I prefer Potato vodkas to grain. Make the most significant difference in smoothness and taste. So done rambling, but I am going to start making different Mixed Drinks and showing you guys how to make them yourself! Well.. I'm off for now! Gotta get back to work!
Monday, March 12, 2012
So I am a bit obsessed with makeup. Actually...I'm overrrrly obsessed with it! I have been since I first started wearing it at age 13. I love when lady friends of mine ask me to do their makeup or just going and looking at new products and different things on myself. And for the past couple of years I have been very obsessed with E.L.F makeup. It's super duper cheap, but so freakin amazing! Seriously some of THEEEE best makeup I have ever bought and used! Here are most of the things I use:
- The 11 Piece Studio Collection. These brushes are amazing and make my skin look flawless!
- Studio Blush in "Pink Passion". It's perfect for fair complexions.
- Studio High Definition Powder. I recently bought this and boy does it do wonders. Seriously made my skin look amazing!
- Silver Box Beauty Eye Book in "Natural Eye". I'm more into the browns and nudes for my eye color.
- Studio Matte Lip Color in "Rich Red". I prefer the matte lip color to the glossy ones and I looooooove red!!!
- Studio Water Proof Eyeliner Pen in "Black". OMG... I seriously CANNOT tell you how amazing this eyeliner is. I do my eyeliner with both hands and this being basically like a marker pen makes it so incredibly easy it's so amazing! I will not ever use another eyeliner again after this one!
Have You found some new awesome makeup recently that You'd like to share with the world because of how amazing it is??? And also use amazing a crap load of times in one sentence! Ha!
New Look!/ Sweet Melody Monday
Welcome to the New(ish) look to Little Foot Blog! Just a few little tweeks here and there but I'm really loving it! This is what makes me excited about blogging! I love graphic design..I took several computer classes on it and fell in love. I'm a huge nerd when it comes to computers and programs and gahh! Evvvverything! Anyhow this is also a semi late Sweet Melody Monday post as well!
Coeur De Pirate <3
Sunday, March 11, 2012
What's In My Bag
I decided to do a "What's In My Bag!" post today! It's sunday, my love is at practice, and I am browsing some online shops and finding things to blog about! So here goes!
- My fox bag from Target
- CatEyes for everyday
- Sunglasses
- Gum! Always gotta have gum!
- My "Red Revival" Lipstick
- Mirror from compact for on ze go!
- Keyyys
- Oh La La Lavender spray...tis my most favorite!
- Wallet
- Planner
- Favorite Pens!
- Phone
What's in YOUR purse or backpack??!!
Friday, March 9, 2012
This Pretty Fox/Mushroom print!
This totes reminds me of myTimothy <3 Because of him I know this stuff! And I dig it :]
also gonna get these prints for our walls
If I had my way my room would be like this!
I found this a while ago, but had to blog it. Wookatthatwittlefatpuppyindapot! Haha seeing this dog makes my baby voice come out
A dream Craft Room!
Timmy and I have been looking for a affordable old caravan like this! Of course we would pick out the colors, but to be able to hitch it to his jeep and just travel would be such a dream. ahh I love thinking about it!
What are you Loving today?!
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
- WildFox- Scarf and Pretty Jewelry
- Miss Selfridge- Scalloped Shorts and Penelba(sp) Skirt
- Shabby Apple- These Shoes that Needs Matching Dresses!
- ModCloth- Snazzy Heels and Adorable Purse
- LuLu's- In love with these KneeHigh Tights, beautiful color as well as the shoes and matching bag!
I have been perusing the Interwebz and searching through all my favorite online shops and came across all these beauties! Seriously check these places out if you haven't before!
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
All Dresses from ModCloth!
I am REALLY loving these gems. I've been looking for new dresses to add to my growing collection. I prefer dresses over leg contraptions(jeans)...but I prefer to wear jeans to work on account of some of the incoherent dudes that come in and like to hit on me...that sounds very conceited..but it's mostly because I'm the only girl here. Anyhow! What dresses (if you are a lady!) are YOU loving right now?!
Monday, March 5, 2012
This one is Dedicated to Doyle! It's 15 year old me music!
Mest- Yesterday
What I Wore sunday Brunch with Miss Kayla!
Everything as expected is from Target...
Got the dress a few years ago. It's a bit windy so my dress looks weird
Grey tights
Black Oxfords
Grey Cardigan
My Love :]
So Deal Me In played a house show last night 3/4 @ the Evil Inn. It was pretty awesome. They sounded great as usual and the other bands were pretty awesome. I really got into You Blew It. Had some wine that made me feel sick though so I made and early exit. Good Friends..Good Times :]
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Ok So!
Another simple what I wore post happening right now :]
They aren't really like most you'll see...on account that I do not own a digital camera, so my phone IS my digital camera. I have to have someone else take them for me because I gave my tripod to my sister(because she has an awesome camera she can use it with).... So they are kind of bleh...but! I like em and hopefully you do to!
I have two really comfy sweaters that I adore.
This one from OldNavy(i think)
Black skinny Jeans from ON as well
Black Flats that you can't see from Target!
This One! It's thrifted. It's pretty light pink.
This picture's color is a little off :/
Black skinny jeans from OldNavy
and Black flats from Target. I love sweater
Now on to random pictures just because. I couldn't really decide what to blog about today so why not do Pictures heh!?
is this considered duck face?! haha
Days off are spent with this Hunk!
my little moster love
I've been searching for more blogs to follow to start new reads. I've found a few and I think on my next post I am going to share some of my favorite blogs found recently and blogs that I have been following for years!
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