Friday, October 28, 2011


We are all entitled to our own opinions right?  Sometimes I don't feel that way because if you have your own opinion about certain things than you are automatically wrong if it's not a shared opinion with someone who disagrees with you.  I have started to not care at allllllll what people think about my opinions.  I've heard talks about something going on concerning abortion and birth control and how people should be pro-choice because if you don't want the kid or get raped then you should be able to get rid of it.   Honestly...if its not rape then keep your legs closed.  If you wanna sleep around and get pregnant and then decide you don't want to ruin your party life and have a kid because then you can't go and get wasted at a bar of fuck a bunch of dudes then fuuuuuck you! Or if you get knocked up and hey realize you can't afford a baby...keeeeep youuuurrr legsssss clooooosssseeeddd... It's really not that hard.  Wear protection.  You can easily carry that child and give it to someone who deserves a child, someone who wants it.  If you get raped...then yeah I know that must be completely and utterly awful to happen to anyone, but it's not the childs fault.  They didn't ask for that to happen.  Again give it up for adoption... whoever adopts the child will pay for everything.  I myself say yeah be what you want... but seriously... why kill something you can give up.. if you don't want it that bad?  I did used to be all "pro-choice" do what you want... but then I actually stopped and thought about it.  Like forreal and it kind of disgusts me and annoys me.  Annnd that is that.   I heard people arguing about this earlier and it's been bugging me since.  Oh and once again this is My opinion.  I know a lot of people disagree.

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