Wednesday, February 29, 2012
This week has crawled on by. Rainy weather keeps me tired. bleh. I'm so glad that I am OFF tomorrow! Which means clean room time. Yay. Sunday Funday was pretty dang awesome. Went to the Pink Palace with Miss Kayla and seen a movie about Dolphins on the Imax. It would have been perfect except the music was done by Sting...and I Loathe Sting...don't ask. Anyhow Timothy's Granny was in a wreck yesterday and besides the bumps and bruises and messed up car, she seems to be ok. Good thing. I can't imagine if anything worse happened. So Prayers for Granny. And for my sister as well. She had a few lumps in her neck checked out and has to speak to an Oncologist. I pray and Hope everything goes well. For her and Cason's sake. On a different note. I really and itching to just get out of memphis for a few days. I'm really bummed that I had to postpone my Chicago trip. Even though I had a feeling once everything was going right, that something would come along to crush it. But family first. There is something of personal nature I want to speak of. I KNOW that I am no way,shape,or form ready for a child. But I have been having a case of Baby fever. Everytime I see a baby anywhere I just have a big want in my heart to have one of my own. But I know that I am not ready at alllll. Me or Timmy. We have picked out names for our future little one, and I love that he's excited for the future and having one. Sometimes I think I'm ready. I just tell myself, oh I'm so ready. I know what to do and how to take care of a newborn. I helped and a lot of times took care of Cason when he was just a newborn. I was his nanny while parents worked. Some nights he even slept with me. Though I didn't get a wink of sleep. The tiniest noise woke me up. It was more like half awake half asleep. I would constantly check to make sure he was breathing and moving. I sang to him, and taught him things, played endless chasing games and tons of funny faces and food messes. And difficult at some was amazing. I can't even put into words the love I have for that Child. He has me as well as everyone else, wrapped around his tiny finger. And I think when I do watch him now a days...I just stare at him and admire how beautiful he is and how badly I would love to have a child with the man I love. Something that is part of both of us. That's when reality sets in. And even though I won't be having one any time's still nice to think of for the future.
Monday, February 27, 2012
Devendra Banhart <3
So First What I Wore Post happening right now!!! Exciting right?!
February 26th
Dress- Target
Cardigan- Target
Tights- Target
Shoes- Target!
Glasses- Etsy
-Sooo yess everything I wore yesterday before I realized it was too windy, came from Target...I spend too much money there.
Timbo and I @ Sams downtown for lunch Saturday :]
And I got to play with these rad dudes!
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
So I have been know the drill. Anyhow I have good reason. My nose has been stuck in books the past week or so. I started reading The Hunger Games Trilogy...and MAN! It is soooooooooo good!!! Like as soon as I finished one book I would run to the store and get the next. It's a bummer there are only 3 books. I tried to read little bits to spread it out, but I couldn't help myself. I finished the last book yesterday. It was a good ending. Now I'm beyond excited for the movie. So now I need a new book to read. I'm particularly fond of reading books that come in a series. I like seeing how the story progresses. And when I read I seriously leave this world and go into the book. I can see everything happen as I read each word. I think that's why I love reading so much. It's an escape really. Anyhow! I have missed several of my topic days and I apologize. I'm getting back into the swing of things here. So here are a few pictures I took recently. When I wasn't reading.
moved the room around :]
Timbo and I went to Sweet CeCe's
Rasberry Sorbet with strawberries,blackberries,cherries,razberries and gummybears!
All Gone :/
The last few days have been really pretty. Hopefully the weekend is so We can go to the Zoo! Haven't been in ages and I'm ready to go and see the new Dinosaurs!
Oh and Timothy and I had a lovely Valentines day with Red wine and Chocolates :]
And Me!
Oh yeah! The Deal Me In show that was a couple fridays ago was amazinggg. I was a little intoxicated. And don't really remember the whole night. But I remember the show and it was a lot alooot of fun!
Friday, February 10, 2012
Quick blog post before the Deal Me In show tonight at HiTone! I'm just waiting for miss Kayla to show up so we can head out and have some drinks before the show! Yepp quick blog!
Thursday, February 9, 2012 for those who did not know....I am obsessed with hair care. I like to take care of it and I see girls all the time doing things that just destroy their hair and it buggggggs me. So here are a few hair care tips that some might or might not already know.
- DO NOT brush your hair while it's wet. When your hair is wet it's more susceptible to breakage from your comb or brush. Run your fingers through it, dry as normal, then brush
- When shampooing use a dime size amount. Apply it mostly to the crown of your head and let the water spread the rest down to the ends. You want more of your natural oils to stay in the ends of your hair so you don't want to shampoo it to dry it out.
- When conditioning make sure that you use a quarter size amount. You don't want to much conditioner in your hair because it leaves more residue behind. When you apply it to your hair, you make the movement like you're putting your hair into a pony tail. Then spread it down to the tips and push all your hair up to make the conditioner spread to the roots. Don't apply too much to the roots because it will make it easier to get oily.
- When you dry your hair try and dry it with the blow dryer held up and it blowing the air down onto your hair. Don't just hold the dryer in your hair and move it in circles to dry it faster. That can cause breakage as well. When you dry it in a downward motion it closes the cuticles on your hair making it look shinier and makes split ends less noticeable.
- Try not to make your pony tails too tight. That cause a lot of breakage on that part of your hair.
That's all I got for now. I'm off today and Cason is trying desperately to get my attention. And I can't refuse that little face of his :]
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
This week has not been my friend so far. I'm just so stressed out about so many things. My Chicago trip is now on hold..indefinitely. My little brother is in jail and we are trying our hardest to get him out. My social life went down the drain it feels like. I just feel like going and finding a cave somewhere and living in it for a couple weeks. There was a time in my life when I had 1 friend. Who lives 600 miles away. We talked everyday and It was like she still lived down the street And now we barely speak. It sucks. I think I try too hard sometimes to make friends that it ends up not working. I did not want this post to be so blehhhh.... but things just really suck right now. But I am so incredibly thankful for Timmy. He is always here for me. Always. He cheers me up when I'm down. I honestly don't know how I would be without him. I'm finding it hard to blog lately. I thought If I re-designed this blog more how I wanted it, that it would put that writing fire back in me. It did not. Ever since new years things in my life have slowed wayyyy down. I haven't been hanging out with my best friend, I haven't been going out, I just haven't been doing much of anything besides work. The only time I really go out is when Deal Me In has a show. Of course I'm always going to be there to show my support of those amazing guys...but lately I just haven't been feeling that whole "scene". By scene I mean the whole Local Music/Band/Shows thing. I lost interest when I turned 20. I have just been around it for years, that I'm ready for a change. I'm growing up. I'm 24 years OLD....I'm not getting any younger. I'm ready to start doing more adult things. When I was a teenager I hung out with people years older than me. I hung out with my sister and her friends most of the time going to show after show. I dug it then. I've seen mostly everyone grow up and get better jobs. And I feel like it's my time too. I mean yeah every once in a while go to a bar and have some drinks with friends...but thats a after work type thing. I don't want my only after work or overall activities to be "going to shows to see awesome bands". I love music don't get me wrong. I looooove it. It's been a big part of my life. But it isn't my life. I feel like I'm just ranting now. But I feel like I'm making myself go out to these bars to see these bands that I'm not really into so that I fit in with people that I find truly awesome and amazing. Every person I have met in the last year has been nothing but kind to me and I really appreciate it. I just feel like if I don't go to these things that people will automatically assume that I don't like them, or that I think I'm too good or the usual..that I'm a antisocial bitchy girl. I may be a little antisocial but I am not bitchy. And it sucks because usually if I don't feel like attending something that a friend invited me and Timmy to, I feel like such a bitch for not going. And if I don't feel comfortable for some reason going or just am not up to it Timmy stays home with me. No matter how many times I tell him he can go and that I want him to go and have a good time, he doesn't want to leave me at home alone. Then I feel like people think it's my fault he didn't go or that I wouldn't let him go. For the record...anytime he gets invited anywhere by anyone I alwayyyyyys tell him to go and have fun...he makes his own decisions. He just chooses not to sometimes, and I don't want anyone thinking it's me or my fault if he doesn't. Now I really am ranting, but I had to get all of this off my shoulders
Sunday, February 5, 2012
So my birthday landed on Superbowl Sunday this year. I guess that's cool. My mother made some of my favorite things for dinner. Pre-game is on. I am however here alone. Timbo went to practice and my other plans that I had went out the window. Seems to be the story of my life lately. Which sucks because I always do what I make plans for. I don't cancel ever and it sucks when that's all that happens to me lately. I guess I have to get over it though. I've been thinking about a change of place. I would like to eventually get out of Memphis. I'm ready for new faces and new places. And hopefully sometime sooner than later I will be out of here. Anyhow I am 24 years old now. I've never been 24 before and I guess I'll see how I like it. Didn't start off too well, but I'm not going to let that effect what happens the rest of the year. I do have Chicago to look forward to. Just Timmy and Myself taking a train up there. It's gonna be so fun and I count down the days until I leave this place and arrive at the Magnificent Mile!!!
Friday, February 3, 2012
This is extremely late and I apologize! Been super busy at work today since I got there. Everyone is getting ready for Superbowl Sunday and getting their booze! But here are my favorites from the week! Enjoy :]
THESE! Purrty Shoes via Modcloth
This amazing phone I plan on purchasing soon via fab
fatkittyyyyy :]
O M G cannot get over this bear
and this :] dreamy
I will not be late again!
Thursday, February 2, 2012
I've been perusing modcloth today and found several dresses
that I am lusting after big time. I plan on getting every one of these
one at a time. Maybe two at a time. All I know is that I need them in my life asap!
all dresses courtesy of Modcloth :]
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
I have been doing most of my blogging (picture wise) on Tumblr. It has been an obsession of mine for a while and I just cant stop! haha. I have not blogged in a very long time and I apologize greatly! There are a bunch of amazing shows coming up that I am wayyyy excited for. Eisley in March. Say Anything in April! and Social Distortion in May. Timmy and I are about to book our hotel and buy our tickets for our Chicago trip to see Say Anything. And I cannot express how excited and happy I am for this. Chicago was where I first saw and I fell in love with the city..and now I'm going back with Timmy. It couldn't be a better trip! Deal Me In is playing a benefit show on the 10th of this month...oh and Yours Truly is turning 24 on sunday....Oh joy huh! On a different note. I feel like I'm losing a friend. We went from talking every single day and the most random barely talking at all. I have been in that begining phase of a relationship so I know how it is...but I didn't want to not talk to my friends. Yes when Timmy came over at first we were only into each other and didn't really socialize with many people when we just wanted our time. But we still made time for friends and whatnot and I feel like I'm on the backburner a little bit. But like I said. I've been in almost the exact situation so I know how things go. I'm not upset about it all that much... I just miss my bff! Anyhow...I know this wasn't much...but just wanted to let you guys know that I'm still here!
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