Ok....so I have to admit, like 85% of women in America, I too was enthralled by the 50 Shades trilogy. I usually never read books like that. And I honestly didn't even know about the books until a few weeks ago when Timothy's sister in law told me about them over a dinner we were at. So when I got home that night I downloaded them onto our Ipad thinking I "might" give em a looksie. I put reading them of for a few days, and on my day off I decided I was going to try and read the "Erotic" book. Haha...Oh jeez erotic...that's never the nature of the books I read. I'm more into books about historical facts, science fiction, or books like Harry Potter and Hunger Games. Annnnnyhow I got comfortable, put on Dawson's Creek, and picked up my Ipad and started reading. I never download books. Ever. I always buy them. I prefer holding and reading an actual paperback/hardback book than on some device. But I wasn't sure I would even be into these books. Well well well.....the first book took me by complete surprise. I was expecting all this BSDM with leather, spikes, chains, gags, and whips. Nope. It was actually and truly mostly a love story. And a really good one at that. I couldn't put the book down, and Timbo actually started getting annoyed because I was reading more that talking to him. But when I get into a book that I can't put down, then I keep reading until I'm done. That's how I have always been. The book did make me blush with all it's eroticism and what not, but it was in a good way. Now with all that being said, I hear they are making a movie and some of the actors they are talking about in now way fit Christian Grey's description. Ian Somerhalder is too short and his eyes are toooo blue. Channing Tatum is also too short and not really built like they describe him. I have however seen one actor that fits Mr.Greys description almost to a T. Ladies...Alex Pettyfer!

Seriously just dye his hair a little darker and Perfecto! Square jaw line, grey eyes, and straight nose!
Come on ladies who have read the books and tell me he isn't perfection! I wasn't sure if I wanted to post any of this at first. I thought how ridiculous of me to go on and on about this silly book thats really popular right now....but all I have to say is, until you read it..don't knock it. hehe
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