Monday, December 19, 2011

Monday's Music

I have had this song stuck in my Noggin alllll day!  And now it's time to get it stuck in yours!
Deal Me In show last night at The Smith7 was amazing.  I like house shows because it's much more of an intimate setting.  I wish is was closer to midtown though.  The Buzz about these dudes is pretty cool.  I'm a proud girl! 

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Way Back Wednesday

I really have no clue what made this pop into my head.  Out of nowhere though, a memory from when I was 7 playing this board game with my sisters.  And it made me feel nostalgic, so I'm doing a "Way Back Wednesday"...for things of nostalgia! 

My oldest sister had this game.  When I was little I didn't know it wasn't real.  I mostly liked just asking Zandar questions and forgot about the game, but it was awesome!

My brother had this one, I thought the commercial was so cool.  
It took me a while to actually see something, but once I figured it out I loooved these books 

 I loved my popples.  I wish I still had some

Garbage Pail Kids! 

 My favourite!  I remember playing this with my older brother David and he was cool seeing him in all the jewels and crown.  I miss those days

I had one for every holliday, occasion, I just had tons of's pretty bad that as punishment for doing something bad, my dad would take my trolls away. hahaha 

My brother David got me into pogs.  He gave me my first one made from metal i think.

My sister just reminded me of this one!  Mannn it was so fun!

Oh.. and I looooved this!

words can't express how much I loved this game!

Ok, so theres my nostalgic moment.  Haha.  What do you miss about your younger years?

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Done and Done!

I've given up trying to be nice and befriend people.  It sucks when all you want is some kind of acknowledgment, but instead you get hard stares, strange looks, or just nothing at all.  I smile at everyone.  Thats my way of saying Hey...but I guess it's not as good as actually speaking it.  But I'd rather just smile then say hey and get nothing in return.  It mostly sucks because it's like the people I want to like me are the ones I think don't.  It's stupid to fret about I know... but something about it bugs me.  And I'm not letting it bother me anymore.  So from now on...a smile is what you'll get and if nothing is done in return, then no longer will I smile!  Yes, I do know that when I go places I seem a little stand-offish.  That's just me.  Awkward, social anxiety, shy, blahblahblah.  I do love meeting new people..just the process of actually doing it is the hard thing.  It's hard for me to just speak up when I have no clue what to say.  Everytime I go out, everyone around me is having different mini conversations about random things, or what they did the other day, or some crazy thing so and so did last night.  I never really have anything to add.  But anyhow I do stay quiet and stand off and I prefer to be comfortable then make my self completely UNcomfortable just to make everyone happy.  I probably complain about this too much.  But Hey I listen to other peoples problems, and bitching, and complaining...and you have a choice to read this blog.  Hopefully you are though.  Enough of that now.

Show last night at Escape was really fun!  I had a good time.  It was like going back to highschool though.  Or to the mall like 4 years ago with all the "scene-kids" that stood outside of hot topic.  DMI did a really really good job and I think the kids standing around didn't really know how to take it... I guess it wasn't "scream-o" enough for them... but hey the second band covered that.  Im all for local music but I like being able to understand it and not just hear some guy screaming his guts out...My ears aren't what they used to be.  And if something isn't catchy to me... then it just isn't.  I'm tired of people getting attitudes or saying shit because I don't like every local band around.  Music is not my obsession.  Or my life.  But I do love it.  Just not all of it.  And just because the band is a touring local band or just a local local band does NOT mean everyone has to like them.  Honestly I think Deal Me In is THE only local band I like.  Just haven't really found any others that play music I like.  Getting older a lot of my tastes in music are changing big time.  I can't do the whole screaming rather than singing thing much anymore.  I like more instruments.  I'm getting older..things are changing...I want things to change...this is how it's supposed to happen right?  The older you get anyhow.  I dunno.  I feel like I still do a lot of childish or teenage things and I am about to be 24 years old.... Can't really say things though because some people take offense.  

Oh... and Timmy and I.... we are going to be together for a very very long time.  Anyone who doesn't like it can get over it.  I'm not going anywhere and neither is he.  Anyone who tries to get into our business just needs to back the eff up.  And go on somewhere.

Friday, December 9, 2011

 Getting into the Christmas spirit...Here are my favourite Christmas things today!!!

Deal Me In has new shirts and a limited amount of numbered cassette tapes available today...if you go to the show at Escape Alley you can get a shirt and a tape for 10 bucks!  Awesome deal and You should totally do it!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

I have so much to vent about... so why not do it here!  Firstly.. DMI had an amazing show last night...Had to throw that out there... I just really, reallllllllllllllllllly dislike Murphys.  It's not really my thing.  Not my favorite place to be.  Especially because shows on a tuesday night...Who does that and why.... Not many people are going to come out to a show on a tuesday freakin night.  And then to say it's going to start at a certain time and then change it last, literally last second, because people aren't showing up. Seems like that happens everytime they play murphy's and it's lame..super super LAME!    IT'S COLD, PEOPLE WORK DURING THE FREAKING WEEK, AND IT'S A TUESDAY NIGHT! Give me a break.  Also.. I really cannot stand disrespectful girls.  At all.  That's why I've never really gotten along with girls.  Maybe a handful but so many are ruthless and coniving and disrespectful.  One in particular...go away.  Thats what I have to say.  Go The EFF away.  Stop lurking around like a lost stupid puppy and go away.  It's annoying. I used to think like if someone didn't like me, well I would be really nice to that person ya know to show that I am a nice person... well doing that I have hopes of maybe the person being nice back but no... not everyone thinks like that and dont care if you are I'm not going to care about being nice to people that don't like me...why? because I don't give anyone a reason to not like me.  So if you are going to be that person...why not just say so and get on with it.  I will no longer be the super sweet girl who's always quiet and nice...not saying I'm going to be loud and mean... just going to treat people the way they treat me from now on.  Another thing... I cannot stand when people only take themselves into consideration.  Listen to other people..important people.. don't just brush what they say off.  And take the things they have to get done or have to do into mind.  Oh..someone made a smart ass comment that I don't let Timmy do things.  Ha...hahahhahahahahahahahaha.  it makes me laugh.  If he wants to go somewhere, he will go.  I encourage it.  Only thing is that people don't really realize.  He works a real job.  A really hard job that he busts his back doing.  When he comes home.. he likes to relax.  He doesn't always like going out to this place or that place to hang out with so and so....he's super tired and  just wants to lay down.  So if I see that he's hurting, I'll give him medicine and ask him if he wants to do anything or just rest.  And HE chooses. NOT ME.  So keep your little comments to yourself.  Gahhh.. people these days.  You think you have some friends out there... and some turn into tools.  I'm over it though.  I will stick with the good ones I have.  Anyhow weekend is coming up.  It just snowed and it's already melting.  Good though.  DMI has a show friday night but I'm not sure if I'm going to attend this one.  I mostly go to support Timmy, I think I've outgrown going for the heck of it.  I'm not getting any younger so I might as well start being more adult about things.  But since it's super cold I see a weekend at home with my love and some warm blankets, our girl gary, our lovely french accordian vinyl, and netflix.  Sounds perfect to me! :]

--- On another note.  I am so over ecstatic for my bff Kayla!!!!  I'm so glad you are so happy right now!  And I'm so happy you found someone who is perfect for you!!

Monday, November 28, 2011

A little Late...

I am way behind on my Thankful Thursday and Friday Favourites because of illness....So last week kind of sucked.  I woke up at about 3am tuesday morning with really bad pains in my pelvic area... like the feeling of holding your pee for about 7 hours...but I didn't have to.  I couldn't really sleep after that.  So wednesday I figured I might have a uti... so I went to walgreens and got a uti screening test and it was positive for a uti so I bought some cranberry juice and hoped to flush it out.  Wellll Wednesay at about 2 am I was awoken by severe cramping on the right side of my abdomen all the way up to my was unbearable and gave me the severe chills and I could barely Timmy took me to the Emergency Room.  I was there for about 3 hours...So tired... I had literally been going on only 4 hours of sleep in two days... They took blood...and I'm not gonna lie.. I was terrified.  I have never given blood or had any taken that I can remember.  So for having it done the first time feeling like crap.. I was nervous.  It wasn't bad at all.  They rushed the results and in about an hour told me what I already knew... that I had a Uti and that it was causing the bad stomach pains...I had taken an antibiotic for it 4 hours previous to going and they gave me another one and some painkillers....I got home at about 4:45 and tried to go to sleep feeling a little better.  Timmy and I watched netflix instead and fell asleep around 6 and I woke back up at 6:45 having to throw up.  I never ever throw up. Even when I have the flu.  So throwing up then sucked big time.  And I thought that would be all of it.  Nope.  I threw up a couple more times before going to work.  Everyone told me to stay home but it was the day before Thanksgiving and one of the busiest days for us at work.  So I decided to tough it out.  I got sick on the way there and then a few more times after I got to work.  They had me lay down on the couch in the back and take a nap, because I was feeling way worse and looked like death.  Man that was the worst day.  I was so weak and dizzy and kept having to get sick.  It felt like my eyes were about to pop out and the tendons in my neck were about to burst because I was heaving so hard.  I couldn't keep any liquid down either.  By 7 that night I felt much better, but had to wake up at 3:45 to put the turkey in the oven.  I felt so much better the next day.. thank God.  I got to enjoy my families dinner then go to Timmy's parents for the first time for Thanksgiving Dinner.  It was all so good.  So I will be doing my Thankful Thursday and Friday Favourites today...but it will be more like Monday Favourites!  So Here Goes!


Thankful Thursday!

First I am thankful to God.  Without him I would have nothing.  I would be nothing.  God has never let me down. Never upset me. Never Angered me.  He has done nothing but give to me.  And he's always there when I need someone to talk to.  I know everything that happens, does so for a reason and I will not ever question it.

Second I am thankful for My Parents.  Crazy, Loud.  Thats what they are and  I will never change it.  They have provided for me the best a parent can.  They have shown me unconditional love.  And One day after all the years of them taking care of me I will take care of them.

Third I am thankful for My Siblings. Also Loud and Crazy.  They are each their own and I love every one of them.  But I am especially thankful for My sister Lynn and my Nephew Cason...My best friend since I could speak..and a nephew I consider my own and will treat like my own until the day I'm not here anymore.

Fourth I am thankful for Timmy.  We have been through so much.  I will love you until my very last breath.  You make me incredibly happy.  You do everything for me, even when I say I can do it myself.  You are always here for me. You are my cheesy as that sounds, I honestly do not know what I would do if you were not here with me. You never judge me.  You deal with so much for me and I am beyond words thankful for that.  I love going to sleep and waking up next to you each and everyday and look forward to spending the rest of our lives together.  I love You.

Fifth I am thankful for all of my nieces and nephews.  You are all so special.  You make me smile everytime I see you.  And I love each of you like you were mine.

Sixth I am thankful for Timmy's Family.  You have welcomed me into your family and treat me with nothing but respect and kindness and I love all of you.  Thank You so much for everything You have done.

Seventh I am thankful for Marie and her family!  Words can't express the love I have for you guys.  Seriously you treat me like I am you own sister, daughter and have shown me nothing but love since the moment I have met you.  I miss all of you guys so much and can't wait to visit soon!

Eighth I am thankful for Miss Kayla!  Man we were bff's in 4th grade and reconnected on facebook haha!  But seriously having you as a friend again is amazing.  You are always there for me when I need a friend to talk to and I am there for you!  You are one of the coolest people I have ever known!

Last but definitely not least... I am thankful for Deal Me In (Walt, Doyle, Eric)  Man you guys are so awesome!  You make Timmy so happy and to see how he gets when he talks about you guys and the band and the possibilities coming your way.  It makes me beyond words happy when He gets that happy.  You guys are some of his only friends that stuck around.  You are all such good dudes and I love you all :]

 I remember playing this in class if we had free time!

 I think My Nephews NEED these asap!

 I want to make this really purtty diy flower frame

 <3 old cameras

 I'm really gonna need these this holiday! Super Cute!

I think I'm ready for Christmas!  All The Music and Lights and Decor!

Friday, November 18, 2011

I have been too obsessed with this color for fall.  I adore it and need to go out and get more Mustard Yellow things!

 Wish List?!

 I found a dress similar to this that I'm gonna snag later on today!

 I need to hit the Thrift stores asap.

 I would loooove this camera this color!

 Oh Me Oh My!


 I need a new winter jacket... this one please!!!


I WILL have this one day... I Promise!

What are YOUR favourite things today?!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

I have been obsessed with this band for a while but recently got back into em and boy!  Gahh I love this song.  It's on my repeat list.  

Monday, November 14, 2011

Real Love by Regina Spektor on Grooveshark

I can't believe it has been 2 years.  It has flown by so fast.  When I first saw you I was in the 10th grade and you were in the 9th.  You walked onto the bus and I first seen your shoes then worked my way up and when I saw your face something in me fell into place.  I can't explain it, but I knew something.  And everyday after that I looked for you.  When we both left school we stayed in touch with each other.   I waited 6 years for you.  Patiently.  I had other relationships, but for some reason I always knew in my heart that you would come into my life in a big way.  And you did.  Perfect timing as well because I had just got out of a horrible relationship.  One that made me have my doubts about boys, but not about you.  You are the best thing to ever happen to me.  I'm so thankful for you and your wonderful family.  I'm so lucky to have you in my life.  You make it worth living.  You are perfect.  And I'm ready for the years to come with you :]

I Love You

Saturday, November 12, 2011

are the LOVE of my life.
You make me the happiest person ever.
You are the one person constantly on my mind.
You are the the one I want to wake up beside for the rest of my life.
In 2 days we will have been together for 2 years.
I'm so lucky to have you.
I love You.

Friday, November 11, 2011

 purrty hair
 when I get glasses... they will be like these!
 I <3<3<3 Them
