Friday, September 30, 2011


I have come to the realization that nobody is original anymore.  Everyone is just a different version of someone else. I've witnessed it happen first hand.  It is kinda bizzarre. Not sure if I spelled that right.  I see people try and do their own thing and then see someone else try to recreate what that person is doing and acting as if its their own.  I guess its flattering though right?  To some people...

bloggers block

It sucks... I just typed up a pretty long blog and then deleted it.  I mentioned in it about how I can't stand constant pessimism and realized that some of my blog was actually a little negative.  But this is my blog and I am supposed to write about my thoughts and whatnot.  I can keep it short while my mind is still in it.  Google plus.. I don't understand you.  Why do people need 2 facebooks?  Don't blog just to get followers... That is kind of lame.  You should blog because you wanna commit.  It sounds stupid but I've been blogging for a long time and it's about writing not about getting thousands of followers.  I just hope at least one person reads.. I don't care if no one does.  Because this is my place to write what I'm thinking.  Don't be a douche bag.  If you are somewhere where you are supposed to be having fun.. don't get all self conscious about shit and act like an asshole to someone you don't know.  It's not appreciated.  This was a very short blog but  I will update later... gotta go to a yard sale.   Haha pretty bad I can't miss a yard sale. 

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Cason Brae Gilmore.... where to begin.  I talked to you in your mom's tummy.  I watched you be born and cried like a little baby myself.  I've watched you grow.  I've seen you every day since you were born almost.  And everyday you take my breath away with how amazing you are.  You are so incredibly smart(I like to think I helped!)  You know how put a smile on everyones face.  You are the sweetest and snuggliest little monster!  You are a sour patch kid.. but in the best way.  You are the best gift God has given me and you aren't even mine. I honestly don't know what I'd do if I didn't have your little hand grab mine and say "C'mon Tee"... and pull me to your room to sit and play with all of your little toys.  And when you bring me a book, crawl into my lap and have me read it to you... you get so excited and it makes me the happiest.  You're 2 today!  And you think you get hurt all the time now by falling down while playing, running into things, or getting scrapes and scratches, but this is just the beginning... And no matter what I will always be here for you.  To kiss the booboo's and make them better.. and yell at what or who caused it.  Even when you're 12!  If you get hurt trust me I will be here!  You are my guy and nothing will change that :]    I love you bub!  Happy Birthday!
getting you dressed to go home after you were born

Friday, September 23, 2011

I, Me, Mine

I came back and reread this blog post that was supposed to describe me and realized it wasn't really me.  I mean it was but there was so much left out.  I feel like most people just won't get me.  They'll know a version of me that they meet here and there or see places.. maybe hang out for a little bit.  But they won't know the real me.  That version people meet is most definitely real.  I feel they only get to know parts or pieces of me.  I mean I guess you can't sit down and have 7 hour conversations about life and everything in it with everyone you meet.  But when I think about it, it's cool that way.  Because the ones who stick around and honestly want to get to know you will.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Bah Bah Blacksheep

Nothing real interesting to read today.  Been totally into my Tumblr recently.  I keep finding dreamy pictures and pretty quotes.  I have free time to blog quickly while my Caseface is napping and Thor is on the television.  And it's about to storm I think.  It'll be nice to hear the sound of rain.  I really hope it cools back down like last week.  The amazing fall like weather.  Summer isn't over yet folks! Though I wish it were.  I'm not a summer girl at alllll.  I prefer the colder months, being born in february, I guess it comes naturally for me to love winter.  I am waiting to get home to cook up some stir-fry.  I was recently thinking about trying the vegetarian thing out again.  I tried it several years ago and stuck to it for months... then I forgot what happened and somehow I ate pizza with peperoni.  Then I remembered my love for meat... yeah sounds odd to read and to type.. haha.  But I have read tons of articles and blogs and things people say about the health benefits of becoming vegetarian so I think I'm gonna give it another go.  That and Timmy also wants to try too.  I think this will be good for us.  Much healthier.  And plus both of us are fruit and veggie nuts!  We could live off of just those things.  Possibly start this weekend... when we have money to do the right grocery shopping.  Speaking of the weekend, my sister got her and I tickets to see Les Miserables at the Orpheum!  I'm super excited.  I haven't seen a show like that in yearrrrrs.  The last one I saw was The Wizard of Oz when I was 10 I think. haha.  But I am really excited to see it.  Also again Deal Me In starts recording this sunday!!!!  I'm really looking foward to the finished product.  I'm so proud of my love and the rest of the guys!!!  Oh and as I'm typing this and watching Thor...isn't he a badass?!  Man.. I haven't read any Thor comics but if they are anything as exciting as this movie I'm totally sold.  I'm probably gonna pick up an origins book this weekend and see what he's all about.  I find it so fascinating that his hammer is so extremely powerful as well as himself.  The hulk couldn't even pick it up! haha  Ohhhh. Sunday is gonna be "Candice & Kayla's Super Friend Date"!  And it better go down!  I forsee drinks and goodtimes... and Mewwwwwsic!  Well, Case woke up so I must tend to the little prince before he gets grumpy!  Peace!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

This and That...

Lately my nose has been buried in comic books and graphic novels. I've read all 88 single issues of the Walking Dead and I am patiently awaiting the next issue which comes out September 28th!! Until then I've been watching the tv adaptation of it... and's different. Alot different. I really don't know what to make of it. But at least it's good. True Blood had it's season finale this past Sunday...sad sad day. I now have to wait an entire year for a new season...sometimes I wonder why I get so into shows that only have a limited number or episodes per season that are so damn addicting. On another note, Timmy and I have been looking in the flyer for affordable apartments so we can save and move. Hopefully it can happen in the next few months or so. Hopefully. We found a few that caught our attention. Now we just have to check them out and see what they look like. Right now though I really don't care. I want one that is really kind of old. I like places that look lived in. Old places. I'm just ready to go thrifting for furniture and other things for it. That's the exciting part. I want all my furniture to be thrifted. most of it is now anyways... Also we really want a puppy. We want a small one. Like a weenie dog or a corgy. So we are looking in the paper for one of those too. This sunday is the start of the recording process for Deal Me In!!! I'm super stoked for this... and I never use the word stoked. They have amazingly catchy music. I seriously get one of their songs stuck in my head all the time, mostly because Timmy is always singing or playing one. But I am really excited for those guys. And so proud. They are doing something they each have passion for. Something they love and music that they love to play. All I hear about them is positive feedback which is freakin awesome! This blog is kinda all over the place. Anyhow while I finish cleaning up and preparing for the day... I leave you with these :] 

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


I can't explain how much I love Chicago.  From the moment I stepped foot on the snowy sidewalk where my hotel was, I knew I was where I needed to be.  I've been back, but it's been a while.  Timmy and I are thinking about saving up and taking a train up there and staying for several days.  We talk all the time about finding a place to go on vacation... we both need it.  So we both agreed Chicago it is.  We've got ticket prices and are looking at hotels for around the time we want to go.  The winters up there are pretty brutal so I know we are going to have to pack warm for all the walking around I want to be doing.  And I can't forget my ear muffs, because last time everyone there was wearing them and I didn't understand why, until about halfway through the day when I got a headache from the cold wind.  We are both super stoked about the trip.  We have been needing something like this for a very long time.  If we go in November like planned we will spend our 2 year anniversary there!  That would be exciting!  Also a friend of mine who recently went told me about all the amazing thrift/antique stores she found... so I know what I'll be doing!  Annnd I've found a few amazing Comic book shops for Timmy that I know will keep him occupied or a while.  I plan on doing as much as I possibly can this time.  The last couple of times I've been I did alot, but  I would like to do and see more.  Too bad my camera broke.  My phone takes pretty decent pictures, but the battery is crap.  We shall see.  And this time I actually want to leave with awesome things instead of losing them!   Going off track for a minute... my other blog was awesome  I thought.  I had so many amazing posts, people would tell me how much they liked my blog.  I really want the same for this one.  I've been doing this for a long time... somethings come along and I start over from scratch. Mostly because I don't feel they show what I stand for anymore.  I really felt like that blog was it though.  I started it off amazing and I was always inspired to write new things, to try and help people in any way, at least make someone laugh.  Then of course someone had to ruin it last year.  I couldn't bring myself to post anymore, because I would get on and read  the things I had said and they made me sad because things had changed so much.   And right now I've had my mind on a few things that at this point in time I'm not going to share.  Just stressful situations so this blog even though I just started it, might be starting off slow.  But I'm trying.  So Please, bare with me.  I'm gonna keep this one going for as long as I can.  Keep you guys who actually read entertained hopefully!  By the way... THANK YOU! To those of you who DO read this blog.  I honestly didn't think anyone read it or would.  I honestly just made it because I thought if one person reads it and likes it, doesn't matter if they let me know, it will make me happy.

RIP Spanky.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Pretty Weather :]

Who knows, next week it could go back into the dreadful 90's... but for now I'm greatly enjoying this bewwwtiful weathaaah.  Nothing like grilling with my Love and playing with the new baby kitties <3

 Professor Mcgonagle
 Bill Compton

Yes... I am a fan

of True Blood!
  Some would consider the show a  guilty pleasure, I on the other hand do not!  Timmy and I like to get into one new tv show we've never really watched.  So we decided to try watching Tru Blood from the beginning and quickly became hooked!  Yeah it's basically sofcore porn in a way but man its gooood.  Seriously nevvvver a dull moment.  Thats what we like so much about it, It's well written, It's funny, And always exciting.  So anyhow the last episode was soooo freaking good.  I literally sat there mouth gaped open just uninterrupted watching.  Super crazy!  The show only has 12 episodes a season which sucks.  And next sunday is the season finale.  Bummer I know, but our other fav show The Office starts soon!!! and we have Jersday!  hehe.  Back to Tru Blood! If you're a fan and have been watching every episode then you knoooow what goes down, and if not then watch it! Or atleast give it a chance... I know many don't care too much for anything vampire since twilight came out... Hey I wish I could stop shitty movies but I can't...  I think pretty much almost everyone on the show has something supernatural about them.  Theres a preview for the finale!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Dreamy Things on a Dreamy Day :]

 Firstly! Halloween is coming up soon! I'm Exciiiited!

This Ahhhmazing Cat Picture :]

Completely Dreamy Room

This <3

Theeeese I Neeeed these!

Once Again..dreeeamy!

Swoon <3


Walt had a cookout/hangout thing at his house last night....I do not know where to begin.  Honestly haven't had that much fun in a very long time.  Also I watched my soon to be 2 year old nephew for 4 straight days while his parents went out of town.  That was so physically and mentally/emotionally draining.  It's like really having your own child for 4 straight days.  So after that Timmy and I both needed some fun.  Great Great Great company was had!  Everyone was so laid back and super kind.  I thoroughly enjoyed myself. There was amazing grilled veggies, a semi/probably real dangerous Slip'N'Slide, Good Beer (I had my own drink concoction of course), Super tasty home made brownies, and vegan cake!  I regret not taking and pictures though.  I would really like to do that again super soon.  Annnd I just realized how short this blog post is.  Ehhh oh well!

PS! Deal Me In show... Sept 27th @ The Frame!  Everyone should come out!