Tuesday, June 5, 2012

House Sitters

So for the past few days Timothy and I have been house/dog sitting while my sister is out of town. We will be doing so until Sunday, and I have to say how wonderful it is. It's peaceful and quiet and it just feels good to be on our own. It gives us so much more motivation to hurry and find our own home. We are waiting for tour to be here and done with until we start looking. I'd rather not be alone for two weeks at a new place so soon, that and he is saving money for tour, so our saving for a place is put on hold just for a moment. It's fine with me because it gives me time to look around for places we like in our price range. We were thinking about roommates at first, but decided against it. We love our friends and love hanging out every now and then, but we want a home of our own that we can just come home to, dress to our comfort, and do what we want without having to worry about someone else. That and we are lucky to have the jobs we have and to have a roommate who might get fired or quit leaving us in a bind isn't really something we need. With that being said! I know I have not blogged in quite sometime. And so many things have happened since my last post. I have several pictures I will be sharing of recent shows, adventures, and Timothy's new niece! I'm really considering saving for a dslr. I'm not going to lie, I do not know my way around one to save my life. But I like a challenge and something new. I was having my sister explain what lens did what and how this or that worked and man, so many things go into it. I'm not photographer, but I'd like to show you readers a glimpse of mine and Timmy's daily life. And the adventures we go on, and the shows! I'd love to get some good shots of Deal Me In shows! Well. It's slow at work, so while it is I gotta get to it! I'm slowly coming out of my funk with blogging I promise! Be back soon :]

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